We greatly welcome the opportunity to work in partnership with leading institutions and professional firms in the financial services sector. You can have complete confidence in the quality and integrity of the contribution which we bring to any project. Although we research and devise the programme for all our events ourselves we very much welcome input from financial services practitioners and the opportunity to work in partnership. If you have ideas to feed into our research programme on a specific subject, or you have a theme which you would like to see developed in a conference, we would welcome a dialogue with you. We would also be pleased to hear from you if you would like to offer your services on our informal advisory panel of practitioners whom we consult regularly in different sectors of the financial services marketplace.
Where the subject matter of one of our events is especially relevant to the clientele of a practitioner firm we are able to enter into a partnership in which the firm distributes details of the event to its own database of clients, and internally, for a concessionary price on a batch of tickets.