Promotional Opportunities

  • Exhibiting
  • Branding
Brand Awareness

Every year our highly targeted and well attended events attract key decision makers from top financial services companies and provide a respected forum at the hub of the financial services debate. Although we do not permit any paid sponsorship to influence the speaker line-up or content of our conferences, we do provide facilities to enable clients to reach the same high calibre audience in order to promote their brand, product or services. Companies can enhance their profile by associating themselves with our events in several different ways.



At each event we offer a small number of exhibition places. These consist of a space usually located in the refreshment area where delegates register and go in the intervals. The exhibition stands lend themselves to displaying products, literature, research etc as well as being a focal point for networking with interested people and enhancing brand awareness.

Stand 2



If you are not on the speaker panel but wish to associate yourself with an event which is relevant to your business we offer the opportunity of branding on one or more of the following: the conference brochure, emails in the UK and overseas, our website, delegate documentation, banners in the meeting room, refreshment area or lunch room, non-delegate packs. This enables your brand to be brought to the attention of the highly specialised worldwide database which we use to market our events in addition to people present on the day.

Source stand



An advertisement in the delegate binder reaches all registered delegates and speakers plus purchasers of non-delegate packs. This can be combined with an on screen advertisement at intervals during the conference day.

Literature Distribution

Make contact with delegates by putting your company’s sales literature or latest research or report on every delegate’s desk.



Bespoke Packages

Everybody has slightly different objectives for and different expectations from a marketing campaign and where sponsorship and brand awareness fits within it. We can offer standard packages or we are very happy to devise packages tailored to the strategy you are seeking in order to enhance your company profile. Since such packages often include delegate passes they represent very good value. Please call us on 020 7582 6516 to discuss the possibilities.

Past Events & Materials

Could not make a conference but would like to find out more? You can purchase recordings of our previous events for your individual use. For our virtual events you can order the full recording of the webinar (including slides) and for our in-person conferences the soundtrack of the proceedings synchronised with the slides. Please view our list of past conferences, add the conference packages you require and simply complete the order form. 

Find Out More
Future Conferences
The 22nd Conference on
Pension Buy-ins and Buyouts
Longevity Swaps and Reinsurance
to 30/04/2025
First Day 9.30 - 5.00
Drinks Reception 5.00 - 6.00
Second Day 9.30 - 5.00
More Info